Men, what are we going to do with you? I was watching an adult league game last evening and it was the playoffs, and holy hockey sticks, you would have thought it was the freakin Stanley Cup Playoffs. First, let me talk about the teams. The men, grown men, on both teams were flipping out over lack of penalty calls. Boys, just because you can't stop, or skate, and you skate right into another person stick, does not mean you were tripped. It means you are a moron who can't skate, and ran into someones stick. If you are skating up the boards and an opposing player is right up next to you, and you fall into the boards because you got a wittle scurred, does not mean you were checked. It means you are a WUSS! Anyone watching this game would have been dying of laughter the whole time. Not because of the constant unnecessary bickering, but because of the men who were completely wasted, because they had decided to drown the ravens loss against the steelers in alcohol. Yes, it was a tough loss, but if you know you are going to play a hockey game, wait till after the game to duke it out with captain morgan. Now, for you officials, get over yourself. You are officiating an mens game, not an NHL game. No need to get nasty with the players or the score keeper. So what, a player told you to F off. You probably told him to suck it just a second earlier. Yes, thats right, people sitting on the benches can hear what you say. Do not shake your head at the score keeper because they are on their cell phone. They aren't stupid like you, they can talk and push a tiny button to start the clock all at the same time! I know, almost impossible to do but it can be done. Do not tell me your played minor league ice hockey, because by the looks of your skating, i'd be surprised if you played college club hockey. What is it with washed up men thinking they are better than they are. This is supposed to be fun, not stressful. I know men are competitive, but my god. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!